To prolong the life of your hot tub cover, get it ready for Colorado’s long winter season. Save long-term and “keep a lid on it,” as they say.
In most back yards the hot tub cover is the only thing that lies between the HotSpring or Caldera spa and frigid Colorado winter night temperatures. Here are a few steps to keep your hot tub cover in optimal working condition through the winter.
CHEMISTRY: Be sure your water chemistry is healthy and balanced. CLEAN: When temperatures are milder outside, hose off your cover. Use a cloth or sponge to wipe it down to remove all the dirt and debris until clean.
CLEAR: After a big snowstorm, sweep off the accumulation using a broom. Don’t use a rake! This will protect the outside and the foam core from stress and breakage. Handle the cover gently, avoiding sharp rakes or shovels. Stick to the household broom. Lifters are often damaged when people forget to sweep off heavy snow and try to open the cover. Don’t forget to sweep before you soak!
HANDLE WITH CARE: Even though vinyl won’t scratch, it’s smart to handle your cover with care at temperatures below zero.
CONDITION: Treat your spa cover with Cover Shield conditioner before snow season kicks in to keep your vinyl in great condition and to keep soft and from drying out. This conditioner will also protect your cover from the strong high-altitude UV rays as well as from dust.
SECURE: Buy windstraps to lock the cover down from high winds, especially if you’re in an exposed area. If your cover isn’t latched in, it could blow off and create possible damage.
Give yourself peace of mind and prepare your hot tub cover for crazy Colorado weather conditions from November to April! Your hot tub will thank you.
“Quiet Your Mind. Trust Yourself. Relax. Take The Gentle Path.”